The New Bible

© 2015 Trip Reynolds

  The Beginning
1. In the beginning God didnÕt create shit.
2. The earth was, is, and remains just one of an infinite number of planets in the universe.
3. Creatures of every kind eventually grew, reproduced, evolved, were killed, and died upon the earth.
4. Man evolved to become the smartest, the most ruthless, the most devious, the most altruistic, and the dumbest.
5. Likewise, although self-obligated to be oppressed by men, women evolved to become equally smart, and as ruthless, devious, altruistic, and as dumb as man.
6. Men and women, with blatant conceit and omnipotence, elected to indiscriminately engage in incest, homosexuality, pedophilia, oppression, slavery, racism, rape, assault, murder, and to engage in the exact same behavior, including bestiality, whenever possible with all creatures on the earth, no matter how bizarre, no matter how heinous.

And Men and Women said, ÒBehold, we will do whatever the fuck we want. So let it be written. So let it be done.Ó

  The Middle
1. And men and women embraced their disingenuous nature, and the paradox of their existence to become smarter and smarter, to kill more efficiently, to cause greater destruction, and to conversely feed more and heal more people.
2. And thousands and thousands of years passed, and men and women continued to engage in the paradox of their existence to become smarter and smarter, to kill more efficiently, to cause greater destruction, and to conversely feed more and heal more people; and nothing changed.
3. And it became self-evident to the wisest men and wisest women that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  The End
1. Thus, men and women refused to do unto others in a spirit of reciprocity, men and women refused to be egalitarian, and men and women refused to accept enlightenment, and nothing changed.
2. And men and women evolved to engineer the ecstasy of their own destruction.
3. And great societies and nations grew and suddenly disappeared, and all of nature and all animals suffered and died in the wake of the indifference of men and women.
4. And the world ended.
So let it be written. So let it be done.

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